2. You don’t want that to happen, do you? Sodas are as same as processed foods – high in salt amount and have lots of chemicals – therefore, very unhealthy during periods. 5 Life-Saving Eating Rules For When You’re on Your Period! Salty/Processed Foods Even though you might have the ultimate craving for French fries, nibbling on some salty snacks can actually make your period symptoms worse. And the list goes on and on... Now that you know which nutrients you need to get more of, it’s time to look at what the best period foods are. 1. There are 6 food types you must avoid during periods. I break down your menstrual cycle diet and give you the facts on what to eat on your period and at each stage of your cycle. Eat light, easy-to-digest, nutritious and balanced meals. Continued 5. OK, now that we’ve covered the foods to eat on your period, let’s take a look at what to avoid. Please always consult with your dietitian before creating a diet plan for yourself. Did you know that by eating or not eating certain ingredients you can change how you feel during your period? Many women just think of iron as something they need to boost to produce new red blood cells. Whole grains are also an important source of Vitamin B, folic acid, iron, and magnesium,” explains Dr. Elser. The high fiber content in beans and peas helps reduce congestion and cramps. Fried Foods Cut back on foods containing trans fats, which increase inflammation, to reduce pain during your period. A. Symptoms such as depression or irritability, bloating and mood swings, breast tenderness, and even painful cramps are common. Stay Away From Sugary Treats. Similar to trans-fats, saturated fats can cause and worsen pain and inflammation during your period. That was good enough reason for me to get some extra calcium in. This can increase the already bad cramping. PMS is still a mystery. Personally, I think these are more important, as I have found they really do make things quite a lot worse, and your body will rebel. In this article, you’ll discover great nutritional tips on what to eat and what to avoid during your period. It’s something I was always suspicious of, but if you feel like things get worse within about half an hour of a cup of coffee, then try if you can go without it for a few days. 1. FEeling like a natural woman has it’s moments. 3. There are many types of teas you can have. I would recommend eating more fish, lentils, and plenty of leafy greens to boost your iron levels. Soda, if you think about it, has lots of chemicals. The powder can be used as a … The key recommendation for foods to eat during your period is that you should choose plenty of fruit and veg, whole grains and high-quality protein. These fatty acids will reduce inflammation during your period, prevent skin breakouts and help keep your hormones in a state of balance. There are 5 drinks you must stop taking in during periods. We provide information about fitness, nutrition, and other related subjects. Chemicals cause your body to have weird processes to occur or take place. OK, now that we’ve covered the foods to eat on your period, let’s take a look at what to avoid. In case you don’t know why caffeine is an enemy here, it’s because it can elevate your PMS symptoms. Just like some foods ease period symptoms, other foods may make them worse. Now, The Worst Foods To Eat On Your Period. While red meat is a good source, it can also make you feel more bloated. The above tips will make quite a difference, and if you eat your meals in smaller snack sizes, then you can keep the cravings at bay and the bloating away. Common sense is the name of the game, she says. C. What you consume throughout the course of periods will have an effect on your body and how you feel. Stay away from highly processed foods, including cakes, sweets, fried or fatty foods. During particularly bad periods, I often resort to only fish while avoiding meat altogether. Fish is packed full of fatty acids, especially Omega-3, which is a great source of energy but will also help to reduce the bloated feeling and cramps. What Is The JERF Diet And How Much Can It Change Your Life? But you might not know that what you eat throughout your entire cycle—that is, well before you start actually bleeding—can make even more of a difference. Include beans and legumes, fish, leafy greens and fruits in your diet. Eating healthy foods and drinking lots of water during your period is key to help stave off symptoms such as bloating and cramping. The fatty foods are not kind with the hormonal changes that your body undergoes. When you buy the product through these links, we may receive a small commission. Eat nutrient-dense food. Some women can experience monthly cravings which can be erratic and hard to shift, which means we're tempted by more unhealthy options. But don’t take this as a green light to pile up on the fries. Limiting your consumption of foods and drinks that contain caffeine can help alleviate menstrual symptoms. One of the biggest problems is that the blood loss will drain your body of a lot of vital nutrients. 1. Several studies have been conducted to test calcium supplements during the menstrual cycle. While at any other given time they will be perfectly fine to eat within moderation, when you’re in the midst of a battle to keep your uterus in place, these can all be a terrible mistake.First of all, they can fuel the bloating because heavy fats are quite hard to digest. Isabella is the founder of My Fit Station. Not only can alcohol cause irregular menstrual cycles but also increase the levels of estrogens – that’s very unhealthy and should be avoided. You don’t need to make things more complicated on top of what you are already dealing with: periods. it also depends on how long your period is. Avoid fatty foods like the plague when you’re on your period. PhenQ Review – Is it the Best Weight Loss Pill? They will help improve your hydration levels naturally, and you’ll be able to get a lot more fiber into your system as well. Adamson J, Erythropoietin, iron metabolism, and red blood cell production., retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8723573. Between the mood swings, bloating, sore breasts, and then the dreaded period cramps, you just know you’re in for a few bad days.Your significant other won’t be able to do anything right, and all you want to do is raid your pantry for all the chocolate and comfort food. It's not exactly breaking news that treating your body with some extra TLC during your period can help make your symptoms feel a little more manageable. Blueberries and blackberries are my top choice, and I try to take a handful of them several times a day. As mentioned earlier in the article, dairy products, milk in this case, are very unhealthy if you ever plan to consume them during diarrhea. This mineral is vital for the production of new red blood cells, so make sure you stock up on extra sources once you notice the first symptoms. It takes courage to deal with cramps and ache that is caused during periods. 13 Best Health & Fitness Websites for Women. High-carbs foods contribute to PMS symptoms, make you tired, and cause you to become disturbed. I used to be a sucker for donuts, chocolate, and soda. What not to eat during periods? Jeanie Lerche Davis, Antioxidants in Fruits, retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/antioxidants-in-fruits#1. In this article, we answer food types you must avoid during periods. Water promotes regular and smooth bowel movement, which helps reduce bloating and stagnation in the abdominal area. Sugary foods are complicated but they are still unhealthy. It definitely makes things easier. The temporary state of being fine is not worth taking a risk to put yourself in trouble after your energy levels are crashed. These fatty acids can be found in oily fish and flax seeds. 5. We do not want to be adding another complication to what we already have, periods in this case. Drink a lot of water. Best and Healthiest Cooking Oils to Cook With. Mentioned below are the extras included in this article. Overconsumption of these foods means there’s a decrease in nutrient-dense foods like greens, grass-fed meats, vegetables and fruits. Munch on fiber-rich foods such as bananas, apples, and mangoes. I kept this little surprise until last. They were my go-to feel-good foods, especially when my uterus was doing summersaults. From a digestion perspective, your typical plant-based foods will be a lot easier to digest, which can also help reduce the bloating. And who wouldn't like that? With that being said, you must have a clear idea of what you’re eating and if what you’re eating supports or worsen your periods. What not to eat during periods is another question we cover in this article, again from our mailbox. That certain time of the month when you have your period can be described as inconvenient at best and downright scary at worst. These are usually foods that cause inflammation or bloating. 2  That means fried foods are out. What not to eat during periods is answered by food types like dairy foods, sugary foods, fatty foods, and 3 more. 2 – Processed foods: Next comes the type of processed foods. Fried foods can elevate estrogen levels in your body because they have hydrogenated oil or trans-fats – that’s unhealthy when you are going through your period. The bitterness takes a bit of getting used to, but it will trigger some much-needed endorphins to lighten up the mood a little. Here are 12 natural ways to induce a period in those cases. Read below to learn more. Processed foods include ready-made meals – and oftentimes you don’t know the ingredients that are included in your meals. In addition, lots of energy beveragesconsist of caffeine. They have arachidonic acids which are linked with cramps. 1 in 4 women experience amenorrhea— the absence or abnormal cessation of your period.Read on for some simple solutions for getting the Red Tide flowing again.Periods are one of those bitter-sweet things in life. That-time-of-the-month is usually not one of them. You’ll probably have noticed this in the months when you have a particularly heavy period (as if a regular month wasn’t punishment enough).You can start feeling increasingly fatigued as your body tries to replenish the loss of blood. Whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice and quinoa keep you full without the bloat. Real talk, ladies. If you are having periods, you might realize how strange the feelings get and how tough the situation becomes. From just a flavor perspective, I recommend salmon, but hake and cod are excellent and healthy choices as well.I would avoid the fish you can get that is preserved in salt and/or vinegar and oil. What Foods Should You Stock Up On Before Your Period? This one really surprised me, but after I thought about it a bit more, it made perfect sense. We have listed a number of products below. What Foods to Avoid On Your Period Sugar, salty snacks, sweets, desserts, coffee, fruit juices and added fat are associated with dysmenorrhea in women. Willpower is at a premium and it … And the added gas from the carbonated soda will just light a fire under your already bloated stomach. Kris Gunnars, BSc, 22 High-Fiber Foods You Should Eat, retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/22-high-fiber-foods4. Quinoa and lentils The very first food type you should be avoiding during your period is fried foods type. However, if you still want to try diary products, you can have Greek yogurt. Coffee is also advised to get rid of during pregnancy. You just constantly feel full, even hours after a small snack. They’re great with breakfast and a lunchtime fruit salad and will work wonders on your period cramps and hormones.The vitamins, minerals, and most importantly, the antioxidants will help to detox and rebalance your hormone levels. After researching and talking with experts, we’ve gathered the list of food types that answer what not to eat during periods – this is what we gathered: The very first food type you should be avoiding during your period is fried foods type. “Most women, when they’re on their cycle, retain fluid and feel crampy, [so] anything that makes you feel more bloated, swollen, and miserable” is just going to make you even more so. Her mission is to spread a healthy, balanced and FUN approach to mind/body health & fitness, one that encourages growth, empowerment and a lavish dose of self-loving. As tasty and delicious as high-sugar foods are, the unfortunate truth is giving into sugar-filled cravings on your period can disrupt your body's natural blood sugar levels, according to Livestrong. And unless you provide it with certain nutrition, you can actually make the symptoms worse. One of these showed a significant drop in pain and cramps while a second one noted a reduction in water retention and bloating. “Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber and can keep your bowel movements regular during your period. The contents, materials, or links in this blog are not intended as medical advice or treatment. The Bitter Things About Having Your PeriodYou hate embarrassingly standing in line at Walgreens, tampons in hand, The reason is simple; it helps reduce the chance of cramps and relaxes the muscles. This can be achieved by eating vegetables, fruit, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. There is an abundance of delicious foods to eat while on your period to get you through the monthly pain and discomfort. Avoid: Foods with a high salt content Canned soups, bacon, chips are some foods to avoid during periods they are high in salt. B. A great source of iron and protein, make sure you add these to your diet. Their effect on your system is very strong, leaving you with cramps, bloating, and even acne – all of this even without periods. High-fat foods have a strong influence on hormonal activity in your body, according to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Bloating is something so many women simply cannot avoid, no matter how light their diet is. So if Advil tends to be your … This extra fiber also helps reduce the chances of suffering from constipation and diarrhea. 1. The end result will be more cramping and misery. But without certain vitamins, especially B12, you can quickly become anaemic, which only adds insult to injury.The good news is that a lot of the food that contains high levels of iron (e.g., leafy greens) will also have a good amount of B12. The following dietary guidelines are recommended during the 10 days before your period… 1. What Not to Eat On Your Period: When it comes to figuring out how to make your period lighter, it all comes down to keeping a good balance of nutrients. Lentils are great for delaying your periods. Moderation is the key here, ladies!Let me know on our Facebook page if you have some other favorite tips that have been passed down to you. Secondly, dairy products contain a lot of Omega-6, and too much of this fatty acid is known to cause inflammation. Also, avoid anything with hydrogenated vegetable oil on the ingredient list. Whole-wheat products Your digestion slows down during your period. Consuming iron will counteract the dip in iron levels while menstruating,” said Dr Patil. Gram lentils are considered to be a potent remedy for delaying one's periods. Yes, that’s right: eat, eat, eat! As women, we quickly learn to recognize those early PMS symptoms. (4)They are also believed to directly improve estrogen levels, so if you’re at a stage in your life where you have an already low level, then some berries can make a difference. They have a high amount of chemicals and salt which can leave your body on fire and disturbed during periods. To aid digestion and regain what’s being lost during menstruation, avoid sugary, salty, and fatty treats and pick heart-friendly, high … It depends if you mean eat nothing at all or if there are alternatives you are thinking about such as chicken broth or a light diet of soft foods, soups, teas, etc. Yes, you can lower the effects periods have on your body by eating foods that are supportive for when you have periods and avoid foods that make your periods worse – that we believe is the best solution to fight back issues related to periods, naturally. Ryan Raman, MS, RD, What Does Magnesium Do for Your Body?, retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-does-magnesium-do3. Sign up below and we'll update you everytime we post a new article, Our content does not constitute a medical consultation. Adamson J, Erythropoietin, iron metabolism, and red blood cell production., retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/87235732. You know those lovely cheeses, yogurt, cream, milkshakes, and the list goes on. If your tea has caffeine as an ingredient, you need to stop drinking it. I mean, I could go on for hours about our disproportionate human rights but I think the whole period thing is a good place to start on this blog. If you had a desire to drink alcohol and divert your mind from your period, you have no clue what are you thinking of. The reason caffeine is such a bad idea is that it will actually constrict your blood vessels, including those feeding your uterus. Find out more about me here. "Salty foods … Periods don't have to come with the misery of bloating, cramps and anxiety. Homemade chapattis and brown rice are some of the best foods to eat during period to avoid cramps. There are tons of calcium-enriched foods that you can eat such as broccoli, cabbage, soya beans, tofu, bread, fish, and nuts. Ever since my first period, one of the biggest food cravings I would get is chocolate. Now that we’re done with answering foods to avoid during periods, let’s get into knowing about drinks you must avoid during periods. According to Dr. A. Nicky Hjort, M.D., OB-GYN, there are no hard and fast rules about what not to eat when you’re on your period. (3). We know that comfort eating isn’t really good for our health and waistline, but some of the foods we turn to can actually make period symptoms quite a bit worse.I spend a lot of my professional time working with dieticians, and over the years, I have learned a few tips on how to balance my diet at that dreaded time of the month. Eating protein is essential for overall health and can help you stay full for a longer period of time. “It is rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids. This makes it important for you to take enough fibers. In turn, this can lead to intense mood swings and tension in your body — hence the increased cramp pains. "Dairy naturally contains arachidonic acids, that stimulate prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) that can intensify menstrual cramps." Here’s What Not To Eat (And Drink) During Periods, https://www.whateatly.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/what-not-to-eat-during-periods.png, foods that are supportive for when you have periods, but also increase the levels of estrogens, Here’s What Not To Eat (And Drink) Before Bed, What to Eat and Avoid When You Have a Coronavirus, This Is What Not To Eat (And Drink) Before Running. My Fit Station may contain affiliate links. Some foods to avoid include: highly processed foods … It’s 1 or 2 weeks before your period starts, and here come the breakouts, sluggishness, cravings, bloating, and mood swings. There are tons of reliable products that can supply the right amount of iron your body needs. So no burgers, fellas! So, in this blog, I’m going to address what to eat on your period to help you reduce your symptoms.Let’s get right into the nutrition side of things. The UMMC recommends eating more fish, … Simply increase your fiber intake, even a few days before your menstrual cycle begins. 6. (2)And the same effect has been shown to work on stomach cramps by relaxing your stomach muscles a bit. However, these are some of the worst things you can eat, along with highly processed foods full of bad fats.First of all, they will completely mess up your blood sugar levels, which are already all over the place. Arachidonic acids found in dairy products are cramps-inducing, thus not healthy during periods. While red meat is a good source of iron, consuming fatty meats can actually make you feel worse during your period because it can lead to cramping, bloating, and acne. Fried foods can elevate estrogen levels in your body because they have hydrogenated oil or trans-fats – that’s unhealthy when you are going through your period. If you’re still struggling, then maybe look for some supplements to take. Recommended foods Beans. The information contained within this article and overall site is merely for informational purposes and is based on historical facts. Get to know which foods to avoid during periods to mitigate your symptoms. Dairy. And the comfort food certainly doesn’t make it any better.The good news is that you don’t have to resort to medication or drastic measures to keep things moving along. Essential fatty acids. I often take magnesium supplements after exercise, especially after high-intensity fitness classes like Spinning. Shutterstock "You may have heard that calcium helps with cramps, but that's not the case when it comes from dairy," warns registered dietitian Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN. What they do to your body is they first cause your body to have energy spikes, making you feel good but after some time, the levels are back to normal or even low, and you’re suddenly down. Bloating is one of the many causes of processed foods if you don’t know. Caffeine-containing foods and drinks, such as chocolate, coffee, tea and sodas,intensify symptoms such as anxiety, depression and breast inflammation. Fatty foods are also worse type of foods you can eat during periods. We’ve already mentioned green and leafy veg to get a boost of vitamins and minerals, but you also want to get some extra fruits that are high in water content. Personally, I think these are more important, as I have found they really do make things quite a lot worse, and your body will rebel. If you are looking into dairy products to add to your diet plan, don’t – dairy products also contribute to the cramps during periods. The extra salt can dehydrate you and actually add to your stomach cramps. Try these seven steps to get your period back, naturally. There are many situations when you may want to plan for your cycle. However, if you become reliant on iron supplements, then make sure you take a B12 booster as well. Consuming them during periods worsen the case even more. In fact, over 33 percent of girls take medicines and drugs to lower the pain occurring in their bodies because of periods, and that’s very unhealthy – you shouldn’t be dependent on drugs and medicines to fight back issues you can tackle naturally, like periods in this case. Especially if it’s very low in cream and sugar. Address: 126 Fremont Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90005 USA | Phone: +1 845-559-4142 | Email: contact@myfitstation.com. 100 grams of coffee contains around 40 mg of caffeine, and that’s a lot. Foods To Avoid While On Your Period. I’m a proud and loud female but in a lot of ways I feel we totally got the short end of the stick. 1. However, eating healthily while on your period can be a bit of a challenge for some. (1). Eat things like leafy greens, fish, and yogurt. I could eat it morning, noon, and night, and while it would reduce some cravings, I kind of figured it would make things worse, and not just because of the weight I would be piling on.What I didn’t realize is that a really high cocoa dark chocolate would satisfy the same cravings and actually help. Sophia is a digital marketer who strives to learn every day and helps people be fit and healthy. It is actually a traditional remedy wherein gram lentils are fried and later powdered completely. This food type is one of the foods to avoid during period cramps. When talking about monthly period symptoms, and those associated with PMS, diet is a vital consideration. While I can’t live without my morning coffee, I tend to avoid drinking more than two cups a day. I used to be a sucker for donuts, chocolate, and soda. 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